If you are wondering what you can do to improve your fertility, you've come to the right place.
Male factor infertility impacts 1 in 10 men. No one knows what you're going through except you and that can feel very lonely. Dietitian with a Difference was created to impact men during a time in their lives that they can feel at their lowest.
Focusing your energy on the tangible actions you can control is the first step in moving towards your goals. If you're this far along I know your goal is to start a family and you've hit some road blocks on the way. Diet and lifestyle are terms that are in our face day and night as we look for information but what actions can you take right now that is going to improve your chances of reaching that goal.
Introducing the Male Fertility Booster program.
The program is designed to help men from all over of the world improve their chances of having a successful pregnancy with their partner. The 8 week program includes:​
Weekly one on one calls to monitor progress and discuss any challenges.
Access to the private facebook community to ask any questions during the course.
Fortnightly sperm health meal plans adapted to your preferences.
Access to the Dietitian with a Difference recipe list for the duration of the course.
Meal prep tips and tricks throughout the course.
If you're ready to stop the overwhelm and confusion you're feeling and want to find out more email: admin@dietitianwithadifference.com to book a free 15 min clarity call to discuss where you are in your fertility journey and find out how we can work together.